speed, reassemblage


증강현실의 컨셉은 세상이 너무 복잡해 보이는 나에게는 더 부가되는 설명에 질려버리게 만드는 것 같았다. 정보는 넘쳐나고, 그것을 스마트하게 정돈해주는 디지털모바일기기들에서, 난 그걸 사용하면서도, 마치 외떨어진 느낌이 드는 것이었다. 이미 있는 것들에서 무언가를 더 본다, 그건 '씌인' 사람들(소위 말하는)이 할 수 있었던 것. 이것과 나는 초현실주의가 맞아떨어진다고 생각한다. 무엇이든 자신이 본 것과 경험한 것을, 무의식적으로 각색하는. 그것은 이 세상에 있는 것을 이 세상에 한번도 존재하지 않았던 무엇으로 재창조해내어, 시각경험의 극대화를 유도하는 것... 사진., 정지, 시간의 정지,
The concept of augmented reality seemed to scared me because the world is too complicated to add a description. Information abounds, with the smart digital mobile devices, I am using it, though, I feel like 'alien ancient'. Sees something more in the things that already exist, it's 'possessed' people (the so-called) have been able to do this, the surrealist will go with this similar way. Whatever they have seen, experienced, they dramatized, take a re-creation, to induce them to maximize the visual experience. Photos, stop, stop time,
Random code. accidental QRcodes,

Tribute to Alexander McQueen by Nick Knight, music by Björk from SHOWstudio on Vimeo.
Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, at The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum in New York City. ...Galleries will showcase recurring themes and concepts in McQueen's work beginning with "The Romantic Mind" which will examine his subversion of traditional tailoring and dressmaking practices through displacement and deconstruction, and "Romantic Gothic" which will highlight McQueen's narrative approach to fashion and illuminate his engagement with Romantic literary traditions such as death, decay, and darkness. Further galleries feature the themes Romantic Naturalism, Romantic Primitivism, Romantic Nationalism, and Romantic Exoticism, as well as a Cabinet of Curiosities.